Unmanned helicopter SkyPatrol – 180
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Unmanned helicopter SkyPatrol – 180

SkyPatrol-180 complex is robot monitoring system equipped with an internal combustion engine, that allows you to carry up to 40 kg payload. It is used in civil and military purposes. The main application of the system is the inspection and monitoring of remote objects.

To fulfill these tasks SkyPatrol-180 has the following advantages:

  • vertical take- off and landing;
  • ability to hover in one place in the coordinates GPS;
  • excellent maneuverability allows you to fly at ultra low heights (that is inaccessible to the plane) and in close proximity to the examined object;
  • small effect of crosswinds compared to the UAV aircraft type.

Technical characteristics

Length4000 mm
Rotor diameter3000 mm
Take-off weight max150 kg
Cargo capacity40 kg
Fuel55 kg
Independence5 h
Speed max100 km/h
Course speed90 km/h
Service ceiling4000 m
Operating temperature range-40 +50 С
Wind (take off and put down)up to 45 km/h
Distance of video and data transferup to 180 km
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